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What Kind of Decals Can You Put on Wooden Signs?

What Kind of Decals Can You Put on Wooden Signs?

Posted by Teresa VB on Dec 13, 2018

There's nothing like a rustic wooden sign to give your house a down-home country feel! If you've never tried your hand at homemade signs, we have a few tips to share with you. First of all, painting a sign freehand is really, really hard. You have to make zero mistakes and be really patien …
Keeping Some Sparkle in the Office This Winter

Keeping Some Sparkle in the Office This Winter

Posted by Teresa VB on Jan 12, 2017

If your office is like most, you've had decorations for the holidays up for quite a while now, and it's starting to feel pretty stale. Take down all the decorations, and you go from stale to sterile. That doesn't help much in the long winter months. If you want to add some cheer to your off …
Our Winter Themed Employee Appreciation Party

Our Winter Themed Employee Appreciation Party

Posted by KM Ymker on Feb 03, 2015

I can't wait to show you the neat things we did for our Winter-themed Employee Appreciation Dinner! My love of all things snow took over - although I despise scooping the stuff! I'm talking cute little snowmen faces, bright and cheery, you know? And then snowflakes... so many different sty …