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What Kind of Decals Can You Put on Wooden Signs?

What Kind of Decals Can You Put on Wooden Signs?

Posted by Teresa VB on Dec 13, 2018

There's nothing like a rustic wooden sign to give your house a down-home country feel! If you've never tried your hand at homemade signs, we have a few tips to share with you. First of all, painting a sign freehand is really, really hard. You have to make zero mistakes and be really patien …
3 Reasons Why Our New Wall Decal Vinyl Material Is Better

3 Reasons Why Our New Wall Decal Vinyl Material Is Better

Posted by KM Ymker on May 01, 2015

We wanted to give you a little insight into some changes we are implementing with our Wall Decal vinyl material for Home Decor.We are VERY excited about a new vinyl material!  We were given a sample last fall. After taking the time to test it out and get some feedback; we want to share details. …