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Love your Kitchen {walls} with Afternoon Tea

Love your Kitchen {walls} with Afternoon Tea

Posted by Teresa VB on Sep 08, 2016

You love tea. You prefer loose leaf tea, and only accept tea bags as a last choice. You know whether you prefer a tea strainer, filter, or infuser. You may or may not own a teapot cozy, but you know what scones are. You're an early riser who loves music. You have this song on your wall near your tea collection because it makes you happy.

Your kitchen is the center of warmth. It may also be where you pretend you're British and are having high tea. Your table includes the finest linens and lace. There are fresh-cut gardenias in a vase, because roses just won't do. The table is accessorized with biscuits, scones, delicate crust-free sandwiches, and friends. You don't boil your water, you bring it up to a slight steam. And you love teapots. You collect them. And you put them on your wall.

You have carefully crafted the friendly atmosphere that is the center of your home. You provide sugar cubes, fresh cream, a honey pot, and honey sticks to your guests. You know the perfect blend of tea to wake in the morning and relax in the afternoon. You also use fresh mint leaves and lemon wedges. Lots of them. You know that a ceramic cup keeps the temperature of your tea just right, and you also like to relax.

Tea is an important part of your life. You've had tea with friends. You've had tea through good times, laughter, and tears. Tea is what you grab when you have to work late. Tea is what you make when you console a friend, or they console you. Tea is what makes you smile, through the bad and the good. Love your kitchen {walls} with images of tea.
