
Only $3.50 shipping on all US orders

phone: 605-491-3323

About Us

Wall Décor Plus More is an industry leader in the wall decal manufacturing space. We started out as a small shop in 2009 but have been growing and expanding each and every day since our inception. Though we are located in a small town in rural South Dakota, we have the skills and resources of a large company, providing nothing but top-quality wall decals and stickers to clients all across the globe. In 2014, we built a new retail space to provide our local customers with a shop to buy our wall art, wall decor and fine decal stickers. Check out the photos below.
Our Mission Create Fun Easy Decor Products
Interested in a product, trying to schedule an appointment, or want to just tell us how your day is going? Sure thing! Give us a call at 605-491-3323. Thank you for checking out Wall Décor Plus More!

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:  8 - 4 CST                              

Friday, Saturday: hours vary -  call ahead.

Location:  39266 270th St Corsica, SD  57328  (from Corsica on Hwy 281: 3 miles North and 3.75 miles East)

A picture of our shop building         
The value of Wall Decor Plus More purchases:

  • While maintaining the small business atmosphere, we strive to provide high quality items that rival the big box stores & cheap overseas products.  We are proud to advertise our Made in the USA banner.
  • We put a lot of value in providing you the education needed to use our products with ease.  Rest assured every item is evaluated for its ease of use and we take extra steps to be sure you understand the product and how it works.  Additionally we gladly provide after sale support.
  • We value our "family"!  We want family to come before work and we strive for a family friendly workplace.
  • Working to guard our valuable Christian standards, we tend to avoid some popular trends that are influenced by TV shows and Sports teams.  Instead we love to offer a large variety of refreshing and inspiring Home Decor items.  We hope each one of our items reflects our vision for every home to be a happy, comforting space. profile-img-kristi.jpg

Wall Decor Plus More is owned and operated by Kristi Ymker, Corsica, SD



 Come Visit Us!


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